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Free Early Cancer Detection Camps

Hanumanprasad Poddar Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Gitavatika, Gorakhpur not only provide cancer treatments facilities in hospital but reaches out in remote and urban areas to prevent and control cancer disease at primary level through organizing free cancer check up and educational camps.

In these camps a dedicated team including Cancer Specialist, Nurses, Organizing Staff, Aya and Male Assistant visits each primary health centers (PHCs) and community health centers (CHCs) in two phases.

In Ist phase our cancer specialist educates all staff nurses, ASHA and ASHA Sangini to do self examination of cancer disease. Furthermore we provide pamphlets, brochures and educate audio visually through group training. All of them are advised to train every person at village level and ask them to bring the suspected cases in next phase of free camp.

In IInd phase the suspected cases are examined by our cancer specialist and they are provided proper guidance and further advice to come at hospital for full check up & treatment. All the patients of the camp are being provided free medicines too.

In 1993-94 a special programme of free early detection of cancer cases and cancer education was organized in districts of Gorakhpur and (Now Mehrajganj). Nearby 104 camps were held in one year in rural areas with cooperation of revenue, development and medical department of the district. About 47,000 cases were examined. Again, we organized free early detection camps in all the Primary Health Centres of Gorakhpur. A total 2439 patients were checked in 19 camps and 235 cases were found with probable malignancy.


Hanuman Prasad Poddar Cancer Hospital & Research Institute Gita Vatika Gorakhpur-273 006

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Opening Hours
  • Mon - Sat
    09.00 am - 05 pm

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